Yes. Any e-mail you have stored on the server counts as storage for your account. This is one...
How much mail can I have stored on each POP3 account?You can store up to the Megabytes of storage available on your virtual hosting account....
How often can I check for new e-mail?As often as your e-mail client will allow, which is most likely every minute the application...
What do I use for my POP3 (incoming) mail server?Your POP3 incoming mail server should be set to: Using this setting will...
What does POP3 stand for?POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol version 3, which is the generally accepted protocol used...
What is a POP3 service?The ability to provide E-mail services to clients includes two critical functions: SMTP and...
What is the POP3 server used for?The POP3 server stores all accumulated e-mail for each client on a per domain basis. Think of...
What is wrong when I get a Login/password mismatch or Authentication failure error?If you are entering in the correct login, then you must be using the wrong password for this...
What port does POP3 run on?Hostwire's POP3 server runs on port 110. This is important but probably not needed for your...
Why can't I connect to the POP3 server?There are several reasons why you may not be able to connect to the POP3 server, and thus, not be...
Why does it take a long time to download my e-mail?There can be several reasons for this. One of which is that you have received an e-mail message...